ASAPP Launches AutoSummary to Automate 100% of Call Summaries for Contact Centers

New AI Service Automatically Summarizes Every Call and Chat for Contact Centers to Reduce Handle Time by 10% or More

NEW YORK, NY, May 26, 2022—ASAPP, Inc., the artificial intelligence (AI) research-driven company, today launched AutoSummary—a new AI Service API that provides contact centers with automatic conversation summaries and analytics-ready data. AutoSummary frees Customer Service Agents of the time required to manually enter customer conversation summary notes and unlock new insights for use in Business Intelligence (BI) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.

“At ASAPP, we see automation of the call summarization process as an untapped opportunity to both improve agent productivity and provide meaningful insight from every customer interaction,” said ASAPP Chief Product Officer Rachel Knaster. “AutoSummary automates one of the most time-consuming processes for agents, while helping managers and executives unlock a wealth of information about their customers.”

According to Forrester, “Analyzing the unstructured data of customer interactions over text or voice enables a number of use cases of interest to CX pros. They augment quality assurance teams’ ability to coach agents and improve training. They also help identify not only when and with what customers are struggling but also why—and at scale.”1

Using ASAPP machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) models, purpose-built for the contact center environment, AutoSummary eliminates the time-intensive and inconsistent entry of conversation summaries while uncovering new insights for organizations with structured, analytics-ready summary data.

AutoSummary applies two different techniques for the immediate needs of agents, managers, and executives:

  • Readable Summary. AutoSummary automatically generates a detailed, paragraph-style summary from the conversation transcript without agents having to type a single word. The free-text summary, typically stored in a case management or CRM system, provides agents the level of detail they need to quickly get up to speed on previous interactions with a customer.
  • Analytics-ready Summary. For managers and executives, AutoSummary produces high quality, structured data about the content and outcome of every call, that is architected for Business Intelligence and Analytics systems. This structured data can provide rich insights into how to improve operations, create new revenue generation opportunities, and enhance products.

Grounded in ASAPP AI research, CX domain expertise, and a rich patent portfolio, AutoSummary enables contact center managers and executives to:

  • Increase agent productivity by eliminating the labor-intensive call summarization
  • Turn previously unstructured, inconsistent, interaction summary information into structured data ready for reporting
  • Identify contact reasons, resolutions and results for all customer conversations – with no work required from agents

AutoSummary is available today via API to work with your existing environment. To learn more, visit or read our case study on Call Summarization Strategies:



ASAPP is a research-based artificial intelligence cloud provider committed to solving how enterprises and their customers engage. Inspired by large, complex, and data-rich problems, ASAPP creates state-of-the-art AI technology that covers all facets of the contact center. Leading businesses rely on ASAPP's AI Cloud applications and services to multiply Agent productivity, operationalize real-time intelligence, and delight every customer. To learn more about ASAPP innovations, visit

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